04 November 2023

I will announced in blogspot, Patreon blocked topics

In buymeacoffee will be free topics and in the below Patreon link, blocked topics.

Link :


You can remember us there as Roarke's carnivorous plants, if you want.

26 July 2023

10 July 2023

Filtering water with a faucet aerator


If the roof have small leaves, it will clog the wire on your faucet aerator. The faucet is use on sinks.

How it is made :

Get a 5 litter bootle and cut it in half. The cap must have a hole made with a cannula used in intravenous therapy, attached and glued to it with hot glue. 

The cannula in my country can be bought from pharmacies.

Th faucet aerator is glued to the bootle inside its neck.

Hang it somewere to catch the rain.

Translation :

German language


Slovak language


Polish language


Romanian language


Hungarian langusge


Czech language


Bulgarian language

Aepatop 3a cmecителна 6атерия

When the topics will be showned in buttons above

After i make some topics, they will be found in the buttons above too.

Items bought will be translated

When i buy something, those items usually are translated in indifferent languages on the package or somewere.

I will write them here.

15 June 2023

Make a hole in your 19 water bootle as a access

Don't cut yourself. This is why my brother put hot glue on the margin of the 19 liter bottle.

How it is made :

I used a hot nail and made many holes on a rectangular shape.

In the end you can use a any safe method of breaking away the plastic piece. I used a DIY saw.

Use gloves for protecting your hands. You can put snow through the hole.

Narowing a funnel for a slow drip


If you press it hard, the plastic piece will break.

How it is made :

Get a super glue. Unscrew its upper part . Now the water will have a lower flow.

12 June 2023

I will announced here Patreon blocked topics, if i will not use buymeacoffee

I can make a living under the law trough blocked Patreon topics with PayPal. In buymeacoffee, Stripe didn't introduce intellectual property rights option yet.

For a better Google indexing and for you to choose blogspot or buymeacoffee, i will post free tutorials in this two sites.

06 June 2023

Using a surface for keeping screwdriver heads

You can put magnets in the position you like

How it is made :

Get a wrench and put round magnets on it. The screwdriver heads go on top. When you need something, just remove it.

Why i started the blog

I want to help people, either if they earn money, less or more.

I'm considered poor by western standards, here in Romania, the equivalent of 86 $ per month.

I don't believe in consumerism. Reducing people to numbers. In the tradition of buying stuff. 

Polution can be reduce if we do DIY and reusing.

04 June 2023

Shine material for a brighter LED candle


No need to glue it

How it is done :

The plastic cap from some chocolate jar companies, have a non-metalic wrapping inside. If it is yellow in color, you will have a brighter color when the LED shine on it.

Just bend it and put it beside the LED.


A box for for keeping tools


If the tools weight to much in total, the cardboard lid will bend


How it is done :

Buy a box for cats food. When you make some holes on top, tools can be inserted in.

Inside you can put something else.


I'm thinking of color coding my posts

I'm thinking that i could do the following :

A tiny red square somewhere in topics will mean that the DYI or reusing is our work.

A tiny blue square means that the works belong to someone else, my brother or if someone has a site, i will provide a link to it. I will build a similar project.

A tiny green square means that someone work was updated by us and  if someone has a site, i will provide a link to it.

If no site exists and the information is from a book i will give a source. 

The color codes will be presented on the front page.

30 May 2023

Posts made will be in buttons too

I will put the posts in buttons above to.

Rope as anti-slip for plastic containers


If you don't use the rope on all surface, you can still grab the neck, but not so well.

How it is done :

- If the neck of the container can be handled, you can use a rope to wrap around it.

- Take a rope that it is not thick and wrap it without making a knot.

- The rope must not be tight when you wrap it around.

- The ending part of the rope, which is only made from one single piece, not two pieces, is inserted somewere of your choosing. Pull it a little.

- Your hand will not slip and if wet by mistake, the rope will dry.

28 May 2023

In buymeacoffee, i will switch to Stripe

For you to help me, i will switch from PayPal to Stripe, for buymeacoffee.

PayPal is no longer supported on Buy Me a Coffee.


how to change my membership payment method from paypal

I asked if a intellectual property rights option can be added, to be paid as a artist.

26 May 2023


Welcome to the world of DIY and reusing for plants.

Beside plants, we will show you other things, like tools, lights DIY and reusing related.